Customizing PHPAddressbook

To modify the fields/columns displayed on “Home”

  1. edit include/dbconnect
  2. add the fields you want to include on the $disp_cols variable

To add fields

  1. browse the include/translation.en.php and find the column name you want to add and note its name. We will use “occupation” as an example
  2. Alter the addressbook table and add the column
    mysql> ALTER TABLE addressbook ADD occupation VARCHAR(255);
  3. Add the new column in the edit.php. Find all occurrences of “company” and copy the line then change the “company” with “occupation”
  4. Add a line in view.php to display the “occupation” field. Same as the preceding step,  find all occurrences of “company” and copy the line then change the “company” with “occupation”

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